rwunderground - R Interface to Weather Underground API
Tools for getting historical weather information and forecasts from Historical weather and forecast data includes, but is not limited to, temperature, humidity, windchill, wind speed, dew point, heat index. Additionally, the weather underground weather API also includes information on sunrise/sunset, tidal conditions, satellite/webcam imagery, weather alerts, hurricane alerts and historical high/low temperatures.
Last updated 7 years ago
6.20 score 77 stars 83 scripts 279 downloadshashids - Generate Short Unique YouTube-Like IDs (Hashes) from Integers
An R port of the hashids library. hashids generates YouTube-like hashes from integers or vector of integers. Hashes generated from integers are relatively short, unique and non-seqential. hashids can be used to generate unique ids for URLs and hide database row numbers from the user. By default hashids will avoid generating common English cursewords by preventing certain letters being next to each other. hashids are not one-way: it is easy to encode an integer to a hashid and decode a hashid back into an integer.
Last updated 6 years ago
4.10 score 18 stars 14 scripts 175 downloads